At concerts Boyan Karanjuloff amplifies his guitar with the Classic-High-End amplifier developed by Stephan Schlemper.
“Some years ago, after a concert, I was interviewed by a journalist from the North German Broadcasting Corporation. She asked me what that thing next to my chair was as it reminded her of an old radio. I ensured her of having played live and was puzzled afterwards why someone whose profession it is to go to many concerts wouldn’t notice my guitar was amplified. But this shows what a fabulous job Stephan’s done! He has developed an amplifier system which, even at full volume, does not alter the natural sound of the classical guitar, but really only amplifies it. There are a few acoustic guitar amps on the market, but not one that comes as close to the original sound of the instrument as does the Schlemper system, especially the new Classic-High-End model.”
Boyan Karanjuloff
Böschensweg 3
27726 Bremen / Worpswede
Tel.: (+49) 04 79 2 / 96 18 -0
Fax: (+49) 04 79 2 / 96 18 -8