Boyan Karanjuloff plays with the following combination of strings by Savarez®, France:

1 String: New Cristal 541 CR (clear nylon), high tension

2 String: Alliance 542 J (plain KF string), high tension

3 String: Alliance 543 J (plain KF string), high tension

4 String: Cantiga 514 J (wound on nylon), high tension

5 String: Cantiga 515 J (wound on nylon), high tension

6 String: Cantiga 516 J (wound on nylon), high tension


“Savarez® strings have an incomparable brilliance and a long sustain. The treble strings have a bright and clear sound, and the Cantiga bass strings add to it full, round and warm notes without the metallic plucking sound.”

Boyan Karanjuloff

Boyan Karanjuloff and Bernard Maillot, president of Savarez® (Foto: Emmannuelle Maillot)

Savarez S.A.

5, Avenue Barthélémy Thimonnier

BP 133 – 69643 Caluire et Cuire Cedex – France

Tél: (0033/0) 4 37 40 32 00

Fax: (0033/0) 4 37 40 32 10
