Mit Jochen Röthel auf der Musikmesse in Frankfurt a.M. 2010

A longtime friendship connects Boyan Karanjuloff with the guitar builder Jochen Röthel. At present, Karanjuloff plays a Röthel guitar built in 2004, designed after a guitar by Antonio de Torres with an upper layer made of spruce and the lower layer made from rosewood.


“Jochen Röthel’s guitars cast a spell on me when I first held one of them in my hands. What a sound! Yet, it is not only the fantastic sound quality of his instruments that enthralls me every time anew, but also the way it feels to play a Röthel-guitar – once you hold it in your hands it has already become part of your body.”

Boyan Karanjuloff



Jochen Röthel
Trommelweg 5
26125 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 04 41 / 4 86 07 27